Sunday, July 1, 2012

The benefits of natural herbs Beluntas

Beluntas (Pluchea indica L / Baccharis indica L)
Beluntas (Pluchea indica L / Baccharis indica L) is a plant commonly grown in a college or serve as a fence. Plants growing in the family Asteraceae small shrub, grows upright and can grow as high as 2 meters with many branches. Beluntas or who have other names Phatpa or Marsh Fleabane has a short petiole, rounded edges taper, with a serrated edge.

Chemical properties
Beluntas have leaves that contain alkaloids, tannins, sodium, essential oils, calcium, flafonoida, magnesium and phosphorus. At the root there flavonoid and tannin.

pharmacological effects
According to the research results can be used beluntas leaves fresh or dried and has a distinctive odor, taste bitter, helping improve appetite, antifertilitas and helps facilitate digestion.

Some of the benefits of natural herbs Beluntas to health problems among others

Digestive disorders in children
Beluntas fresh leaf in the rice baby cereal mix

Rheumatic pain
Take 15 grams of root Beluntas, wash and boil with water and drinking water was boiled roots

Eliminates body odor
Use leaves fresh beluntas as fresh vegetables to eat

Lowering Heat
Brewed beluntas like brewing tea leaves, then drink until normal body temperature.

Pregnant Women are prohibited from consuming this plant and not good for women because it can reduce woman's fertility.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sweet Starfruit

Sweet Starfruit (Averrhoa carambola L)

Sweet Starfruit (Averrhoa carambola L) is one of the plants that have good taste and a sweet course. Besides can be fed directly, it turns sweet star fruit can be used as natural herbs to help solve your health problems. This plant is included in the family Oxalidaceae and can also be called Averrhoe petandra Blanco.

Chemical properties
Sweet starfruit contains protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, B, and C.

pharmacological effects
The fruit has a sweet, sour, neutral. Have efficacy as anti-inflammatory, laxative urine (diuretic) and spit bullets. Flowers also have a guard khasita immune from attack Malaria. Stems and leaves of sweet starfruit has a sour taste, chocolate, neutral and serve as anti-inflammatory, laxative urine, and lower the heat.

Some properties of sweet starfruit able to overcome some health problems, among others

Launching kidney stone
3-5 sweet star fruit boiled with water, and then boiling water was brewed with honey and drink after a rather cold

Enlargement of the spleen due to Malaria
5 star fruit in juice or grated, strain, add warm water and drink.

Influenza and sore throat
90-120 grams of fresh star fruit juice, strain and drink.

High blood pressure
- 2 star fruit that has been cooked or eaten fresh in direct morning and afternoon.
- 1 tablespoon juice of starfruit leaves, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1/2 tablespoon of honey, stir and then drink once in the morning and evening.

15-24 grams of dried flowers starfruit brewed with boiling water and drink regularly 2 times a day.

Diabetes and cholesterol
2 ripe star fruit eaten fresh or still green after eating in the morning and afternoon, repeated until healed.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Baru China

BARU CINA (Artemisia vulgaris L)
As the name implies, this plant originated in China and is included in the family Compositae. The hallmark of this plant has soft fur and pungent, chronic bush shaped, semi-woody, and has many branching. Single leaf, pointed toes with a whitish green color. It has a hump and compound interest in light yellow. This plant is also widely used as natural herbs to cope with various diseases.

Chemical Properties
The leaves of the Baru China (Artemisia vulgaris L) containing essential oils (phellandrena, cadinene, and thujone), dihydromatricaria ester, cineole, and tannins. Roots and stems contains Lulin, small branches containing oxytocsin and ridetin.

Pharmacological Effects
Baru China (Artemisia vulgaris L) has a cooling sensation when touched the skin, analgesic, hemostatic, blood circulation, prevent miscarriage and regulate menstruation. With the bitter taste, spicy and warm.

Some of the benefits of the Baru China (Artemisia vulgaris Lplant

Weakness after childbirth
Boil 4 Baru Cina trees plus 6 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups. Drink 2 times a day before meals.

Preventing disease femininity
30 grams of bud sticks with interest Baru Cina brewed with boiling water and drink like we drink tea. Can be added a little sugar or milk.

IMPORTANT : If an allergic reaction, such as dry mouth, discomfort in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and dizziness after consuming this herb, it is recommended to reduce the dose or temporarily stop the use of these natural herbs.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Natural herbs of Avocado

Avocado (Persea americana Mill)
Avocado (Persea americana Mill) or Persea gratissima Gaertn is a plant belonging to the family Lauraceae. This plant has a fruit flavor that is quite delicious and nutritious. Moreover, it turns out the avocado has efficacy as natural herbs.

Chemical properties

Avocados have the fruit and leaves contain saponins, alkaloids and flavonoids. The fruit also contains tannins, polyphenols and quercetin.

Pharmacological effects

Avocado leaves have a bitter taste and chelates. Seeds in the fruit has anti inflammatory and pain relief. Some research says that leaves are also antibacterial, which inhibit the growth of several species of bacteria such as Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas sp, Escherichia sp, and Bacillus sp.

Some properties of avocado among others, can overcome


A seed of an avocado is ripe given the 2 tablespoons of pure honey, then stir well and eaten every day until cured.

Urinary stones

2 Wash the avocado leaves, 3 pieces of nut-grass rhizome, petiole 5 cottonwoods, half betel nut, 1 nutmeg, 3 finger palm sugar. Cook with 3 cups of water until remaining 2 1/4 cups. when cool, strain and drink 3 times a day as much as 3/4 cup.

High blood pressure and headaches

3 pieces of avocado leaves washed clean, then brewed with 1 cup hot water. after a cold drink as well.

Dry facial skin

ripe avocado flesh taken, then crushed to a pulp. Spread avocado pulp before the skin is dry like using masks. Once dry, rinse and wash skin with water.

Holey toothache

Mash an avocado seed to halusdan like flour, and put the seeds had been refined into a hollow tooth.

Swelling caused by inflammation

Mash avocado seeds or crushed into powder like flour. Mix the avocado seed flour with water had to be like mush. Then smeared on swollen body parts.


Take the avocado seeds are then roasted over coals. Once grilled, cut into small pieces and boiled in water until the water is brown. Strain and drink when the water cools.

That some of the properties and benefits of the fruit, leaves and seeds of avocado. Hopefully some of the natural herbs avocado was useful to you.